(Last updated: September 1, 2023.)
We do NOT collect or share your personal data. That is all there is to it.
Here are some facts about Kruiters and your privacy:
- Our business model is driven by app subscriptions. We've never been interested in tracking users or selling data to marketing or advertising companies.
- This website doesn't even store any cookies on your device. (Yes, very likely, this is the only webite you've visited today that doesn't use any cookies.)
- We don't have access to data that could be used to identify any person (e.g. IP addresses, MAC addresses…). We do have access to some statistics though. We use privacy-first Cloudflare Web Analytics in this website, that provides data such as how many visits we get at a certain time, from which countries, the device used (mobile, desktop, tablet…), or how fast the pages load. We use that information to improve the quality of the website, and to measure the effectiveness of commercial campaigns that we might be using.
- Regarding Kruiters app, ‟Your work” (i.e., the entities you add: clients, candidates, etc.; their related properties: name, notes, etc.; and your settings) is only stored on your device and is never transmitted on the Internet.
As you can see, Kruiters takes very seriously your privacy. However, if you need help or have any doubts concerning your privacy, please write us at [email protected]. We'll be glad to assist you.
If our privacy policy ever changes substantially, we'll notify you through the app.